When will I see you again?

Image by clipartfest.com

Image by clipartfest.com

Beginning with Black Friday and running until days after Christmas are considered the most anticipated and expected shopping days of the year.  These holiday months of shopping make a difference in whether it is a good or bad year for most retailers financial statements. Because, once the holiday season is over retailers know how hard it is to even maintain a fraction of the shopping frenzy experienced during this time period. 

When post holiday season kicks-in, consumers get back to life, frugality, diets, disciplines - you name it -- whatever New Year's resolution promise we made. 

During this down period, retailers turn their focus to getting us back in the stores. Sometimes that focus can make our shopping experience a little confusing. 

Here's my recent confusing shopping experience. My daughter needed a Valentine's Day craft classroom project; so, I had to go shopping. (Of course I did research first online). 

Stepping in the stores, I was immediately hit with Valentine's Day, and Easter all at once.  It was overwhelming with holiday merchandise competing against one another. Plus, I thought, really Easter all ready?  Ash Wednesday hasn't even happened!

Confusing because retailers are not sure when they will see us again; so, they merchandise every possible holiday in hopes of enticing us to purchase something - anything.

While retailers see it as creating excitement in the stores; it can sometimes appear to shoppers as if retailers are grasping for dollars and, it's a turn off. 

But after I was done shopping (I hit three different stores). I thought about my afternoon smiling and embracing the journey; because, ultimately all of the different holiday merchandise was their way of welcoming me back into the stores by making sure that they have something that I might like. 

They were waiting for my return, and happy to see me again!

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.

Reinventing your brand

Reinventing Your Brand

Reinventing Your Brand

When is it time to reinvent your brand? We all have indicators that are signaling either good or bad times ahead. There are times when you can weather the down trend lines and completely recover and move full steam ahead; and, then there are times that a trend line is a stronger warning sign. This is the sign that we all try to shake off because we don't want to believe that our brand can be that fragile and spiral to death. How can we tell the difference?

Here are some of my red flag suggestions to consider:

  • When a new brand emerges in your market that taps into both convenience and low cost for the consumer. Think Redbox versus Blockbuster Video. 
  • When one hot trend trades the place for another trend. Think Rock N Jump (Trampoline Parks) versus Bounce U (inflatable bounce facilities). 
  • When size and ease of use matters. Think iPod versus Walkman. 

There were surely tell tell signs that all of the above were becoming extinct but the brands refused to respond quick enough and found their product/service out of business. 

As we start a New Year, I encourage you to go into it with your eyes wide open. Make sure that you are willing to analyze the data, trends and listen to any of the bad stuff too. But, more importantly reacting while you have time to make adjustments to your brand, your business, your products and services is paramount.

Think ahead not just for now. 

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.

Happy New Year!

As we welcome in a New Year we all should take the time to reflect on those new acquaintances we met through the year, all of our life-long acquaintances and especially remember those dear acquaintances who we lost. 

If your life is anything like mine, the past year has brought both joy and sadness; triumphs and failures; victories and defeats. But, the beauty that is consistently evident in each situation is that I have never faced any situation alone. Whether it be family, friends, or business associates someone has always had my back.  Each acquaintance brings an opportunity to forge deep relationships that we cherish; and, they are present to celebrate, to encourage or to cry with depending on the circumstance. 

So, as we say goodbye to 2016 and we usher in 2017 please let us appreciate each and every acquaintance we have met along the way.  Most of us associate Robert Burns poem that he wrote in 1788 with ringing in the New Year.  Here’s a couple of verses:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my jo,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak' a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Cheers to each and every one of my acquaintances and the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.

It’s the most magical time of the year…or so we help those believe…


Everywhere we go and everything we hear right now is an effort by world marketers to get us in the right frame of mind for the Holidays.  The “magic of the season” creates a mood for us to loosen our wallets.  In most cases, it starts right around, or after Halloween for many retailers.  The more decorations, bright lights, Santa Claus’, Christmas classics, and music that we see and hear nudges us that much closer to the holiday spirit.  It reminds us that this is the time to focus on giving, not receiving.  To remember all of the people that touch our lives like the mail carrier, the teachers, the distant cousin that we only see once a year; and, we buy gift cards, presents and experiences that will help to make those around us feel peace, joy and happiness. 

As a marketer, the holiday season is the most optimal time of the year where we all start that infamous customer journey.  While it touches all of us during the same time, we each will have different experiences and outcomes.  And, the seller that taps into the mood the best, at the right moment, with the right offer, will win our hearts and cash for the season. 

I don’t know about you but my list is usually divided up where I can buy multiple folks the same gift; it’s so much easier to buy, give and send the same gift to multiple people.   I realized that I’m not the only one that thinks that way.  A lady behind me today at a national chain store had 6 candles all in different colors; my sister’s friend bought 72 of the same item to give to her team; and, my friend ordered books for her nephews and nieces all from the same store.  Let’s face it, as consumers, we want a unique experience combined with easy solutions.  We want to capture the magic of the season as quick and for as long as we can; so if a retailer offers us solutions, we’re there for the taking and happy to participate.  But, only when we’re absolutely ready to make that purchase decision. 

So, we need to know our customers, talk with them on their terms, ask them what they want, help them with solutions for their holiday lists and above all make it easy for them.  Because, our ultimate job as marketers during this season is to help make it the most magical time of the year where all of our customers can feel peace, joy and happiness.

Have you ever kept a really good secret?


Well my family and I discovered one of the best kept secrets ever. And, it happens to be literally (almost) located in our backyard.  And we're not quite sure why our neighbor's to the north kept such a good secret. But, I suspect it's because they are not as focused on marketing this treasure since it's not their main gem. 

This past summer we drove less than two hours north of where we live to the Mashantucket Pequot Museum. We have been talking about going there for the past couple of years but they have seasonal hours; and we always thought of visiting when it was closed for the season.  

Some background information. 

I have Cherokee Indian in my family history; so, we are keenly interested in Native Americans and their historical contributions to our way of life.  We had visited the National Museum of the Native Indian which is part of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC a couple of summers ago. And, quite frankly we were disappointed. 

When we arrived the parking lot at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum it was virtually empty. Which in our minds wasn't a good sign. The cost of admissions is $20 per person; so, we weren't sure if it would be worth the investment of money and time but we had already driven the distance and decided to fulfill our plan for a fun day trip.  

Like the parking lot, once inside there were very few guests.  The big difference -- this museum didn't disappoint!

This is an amazing museum filled with rich history, images and replications of how life was for the Mashantucket tribe located in Connecticut.   

It was a wonderful experience worth the drive, the time and the admissions cost!  We all left enriched, elevated and inspired. 

Both the museum and Foxwoods Casino are located on the same reservation located down the street from each other. They both are owned and operated by the same tribe. 

Clearly, there are products that we "bet" on (no pun intended) and spend more time and dollars marketing because the payoff is huge. But, in marketing our products and services we should always challenge ourselves. 

While it's important to put your marketing dollars and programs into the product that is generating the majority of your revenue; don't forget to consistently ask yourself fundamental questions like:  Are you leaving a product on the table that will increase customer loyalty and enable customers to get to know you better?  Can you bundle the products together to reinforce your messaging and add value to your customer's experience?  Are there any cross marketing opportunities that can add to the power of the brand story?  

Think about your brand secrets and if you're enjoying them. Most likely your customers will too. And, we all love to get in on a good secret now and again - ours was the Mashantucket Pequot Museum. 

Shhh - but don't tell anyone that I told you about it!  It's our secret. 

Yippee! It's over!


Regardless, of which side of the political party you represent, like me, I’m sure that you are glad that this election year is over! 

It has caused much stress, anxiety and you can insert your own emotion(s) that you have been feeling in here to be included.  I have talked to people across the country and regardless of party affiliation many people have had the same experience – we couldn’t wait until it was over.

Well now, it’s over.

I’m sure that every discipline will be studying this presidential election for years to come.  And, in my opinion there were best practices that were evident that can be used by any marketer.

It’s interesting to compare the elections to what many of us as marketers try to achieve each and every day in selling our brands, products and services.  Promotions help to execute the strategy.  But, telling our stories is what evokes that raw emotion and gives us the opportunity to make that connection with our consumers/customers/buyers.

Take the elections, two different stories were told.  And, the arguments on both sides seemed pretty thematic. 

It’s my opinion, that one campaign identified the target (after testing with focus groups, etc.) and started telling a story that they thought would resonate.   They took the traditional approach.  Another campaign, started talking, and talking; and, a target audience emerged.  This segment that emerged helped this campaign uncover the target audience and the messaging.

So, the campaign that organically grew a self-identifiable group to target.  A segment that had some common characteristics in common but spanned across a big portion of our country.  It wasn’t based on a formula, an approach; but taking a representation of the emerging group and then profiling (in this case) one’s constituents, then identifying more like-constituents and taking their main concerns and crafting a story.  It wasn’t based on a pre-defined plan or strategy but rather a marketing instinct to tap into a visceral emotion that became evident, stroked and appreciated by this group.

So, here’s my question.

When was the last time you looked at new emerging target customers and really listened to what they were telling you; then took their main concerns and crafted their story to sell your brand, products and services? 

Remember even when our customers tell us something that might be difficult to hear, listen and put it to use by making your brand, products and/or services better.

So, put this lesson to work; and, celebrate that this presidential election is over!

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” - Walt Disney

I love that quote by Walt Disney because every time I read it, I am inspired to believe in my dreams. I have actually used that piece of inspiration under my signature on my emails for the past year to remind me that dreams do come true. 

And, one of my business dreams came true last week.  

A dream that was founded on listening to the needs of customers and filling a void in the marketplace launched October 26th in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It's called the Home Improvement eRetailer Summit, an intimate gathering focused on education, building relationships, and understanding how to approach the Home Improvement ECommerce market. 

Thanks to great partners, perseverance, progressive leaders in the ECommerce space, and great speakers the first event hit the mark; and, it will now be an annual Summit. 

So, I'm grateful that all of the parts came together; and, when times were challenging that me and my partners unequivocally knew that when you listen to what customers want/need and you build it, they will come. What's your customers telling you?  

Believe that "if you can dream it, you can do it.”  

I did.


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

We all do it!


So many of us are guilty of compartmentalizing our lives. We try and make sure that each area fits into its own little crate. 

I believe that this is what makes it so difficult to truly understand what drives each consumer to do what he/she does. We go through different seasons of our lives and while relationships are important we are all very busy people.  Ultimately, we get caught up in our own lives. And, before you know it we haven't followed up on that sales lead, or connected with that person we met or perhaps haven't returned an email to a customer, friend, and colleague or soccer coach. Yes, we all wear so many hats and serve in so many different roles. 

Well, time flies.

Especially, if we aren't actively managing our marketing communications.  And, then guess what?   We have become too embarrassed to follow up, to connect, or to reply. Or at least I have.

How do we keep up with our relationships?  

It's tough in the busy world we live in. People don't have hours to IM, hang out on the phone or write long emails. And, I'm sorry Facebook, Instagram and Twitter just can't substitute for a meaningful conversation (for more on this subject see my blog dated 10/6/2016). 

For me, keeping up means sending thoughtful hand-written notes, text messages that are immediate plus relevant, and special gifts for notable occasions. I also reach out and request a "catch up" call, making sure to build it around the convenience of both schedules (sometimes it's after hours) but it's a scheduled and purposeful conversation. These calls are valuable because you really find out what is going on in that person's world.  You're able to ask spontaneous and stimulating questions that are relevant to the topic at hand. These discussions allow you to get caught up with friends (who if you have been around a while like me) they are your past clients, prospective customers, other parents; and, you always learn something new from them. Somewhere in the call there is a mutual opportunity that sparks for more collaboration for follow up in the future.  

Open, free flowing conversations allow true spontaneous sharing. It helps each of us to keep up with the other. And, it ultimately keeps our relationships up-to-date and going. So, when we feel the urge to compartmentalization the relationship. Stop. We need to challenge ourselves.  Have the conversations and don’t put yourself in a crate.

I'm always surprised what I find out. I bet you will be too. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.





Cheers to Building REAL relationships!

We live in a world of texting, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and many more platforms that make it easier and faster for us to communicate with our friends, neighbors and customers; and, it allows us to keep up to date with activities at our kids’ schools, clubs, and our greater communities. But just because we're keeping up with “happenings” through social media (SM) I often wonder from a marketing perspective -- are we truly making life long connections with people, products and brands? Or are we building superficial relationships and fleeting customer loyalty? 

Because let's face it, it's much easier to check in on someone through SM versus picking up the phone or spending physical time with them and having an uninterrupted conversation.  Or, for that matter, even “chatting” with a customer service representative online is much different than standing face-to-face with that same person in a brick and mortar store.  I’m sure we have all had experiences where both situations have been good and bad.  But, I would suspect that most of us would prefer the non-intrusive way to communicate (which is sharing what we want/when we want to). 

In so many ways, SM can be the Holy Grail of marketing if managed and balanced. The problem, it’s difficult to find the right balance because the “mark” keeps changing.  Timing, moods, life situations, you name it impacts the consumer responses when companies are marketing through SM.  And, I believe that marketing communication can make the introduction and keep in touch but when it borders on actually making a strong life-lasting and changing connection it becomes a challenge. There is only so deep you can go with a relationship via SM because most relationships are complex. 

That’s why I strongly believe in an integrated approach to marketing and building relationships with our best customers, prospects, and; yes, even our kid’s school and our communities.  Staying in touch and sharing on and/or with SM is important; but, so is having meaningful conversations.  Showing up and investing face-to-face time (and that goes for products and brands too) helps build those long-lasting sustainable relationships that are based on loyalty.  By spending time together you learn more, contribute more and hopefully gain more. 

You might not remember the television sitcom from the 1980’s (unless you’ve caught the repeats on cable) but when I hear the CHEERS theme song it always makes me feel good.  It’s the epitome of building relationships face-to-face.  So please, go ahead and order from your favorite store online, but make sure you stop in and check out their brick and mortar too (if they have one); tweet and post Facebook updates but also make sure you show up at industry events to see your customers; or even produce an event to spend time with your customers.  And, yes share life changing updates through SM for our personal relationships; but, please show up for weddings, birthday parties, and picnics.  It will make a world a difference because REAL relationships matter; and like the CHEERS lyrics say “sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad you came”.  Cheers!


Happy first day of fall!

Fall is always a great season to “get back to business” after a season of summer which is known for “fun and vacations”.

Besides the cooler weather, back to school activities, apple picking, daylight saving time and the beautiful change of leaves that creates a majestic fall; we are also inundated with marketing messages from external sources that are pushing us into the fall season.

Retailers are great at marketing new seasons as opportunities to drive more online orders, in-store traffic and transactions.  With each new season brings new marketing messages and "must have" merchandise that attracts and taps into consumers’ emotions shouting it's time for change. The retailers have the marketing savvy to bring in "new" and "what's hot" so we (the consumer) feel the impulse to buy it NOW for the season.

Retailers help push the mind-set of the consumers to get ready for a different season through all the different ways they communicate with us.  My email inbox has been full of them. I am referring to fall messages from retailers with subject lines like: Fall's must-have hues?; We have them;  Ready for fall?;  We have 20 NEW scents;  fall hair color, halloween party and other search trends; 3 pants for fall;  and use code FALL4ALL; 

Do you get the message?  I have.  

These messages focus on the change of season as it relates to different colors that you probably don't have. Plus, they are very good at reminding us of things we have to do to prepare for the new season.   And, I'm not just talking about clothing. I'm talking categories like paint, health and beauty care, housewares, outdoor living, etc. (Think of the transition of family fun around the pool to family fun around the fire pit). 

Isn't it interesting how marketing communication messages do help us focus on getting ready for the new season?    And, why not leverage the new season and piggy back on all of the external indicators that change is inevitably coming?  We all should be using retail as a best practice and asking ourselves how we can optimize the season to promote and market our business.  What are some seasonal trends that we can use in communicating our business assets?

Creating seasonal marketing programs and messages inevitably does help to officially usher in the next season of life.  But more important, it helps to grow revenue.  And, while many of us may grumble that it’s too early to see Halloween merchandise or leaf blowers; we must admit that we all need a nudge to get back to business and ready for the fall season.  By the way, don't forget to change your clock on Sunday, November 6th this year. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.


Is shopping giving you blurry vision?

I live in the Northeast.  So, my daughter just went back to school last week. My nieces and nephews who live in other parts of the country have been back to school for nearly a month or more. 

I have worked in the b-to-b retail industry for most of my career. I am well aware of the continued consolidation, channels blurring with retailers trying to capture the total market basket with product categories being sold across retail lines. But, shopping for back to school supplies made my vision blurry!

This year in particular, I didn't know which store I was shopping. I could have been anywhere. Regardless of the retailers core category the back to school seasonal products are in heavy pursuit from every type of retailer. I literally saw back to school promotions and products in grocery chains, dollar stores, office supplies, discounters, mass merchants, drug chains and need I go on?  From the traditional mass discounters like Walmart and Target to specialty stores like Bed Bath Beyond and Staples to chain stores like CVS and Stop and Shop; and, let's not even touch the options to buy school supplies online. 

So many convenient choices for the consumer that helps to meet the needs of busy shoppers. Need milk and bread from a grocer?  You're there so might as well pick up the needed school supplies. Need computer ink from an office supply store?  Might as well grab the school supplies. And why not, retailers are always looking for seasonal categories that can contribute to their gross profit margins. 

Retail Dive reports that parents are expected to shell out an average $1,642 on student expenses this year, up 33% from 2015’s average of $1,239, according to the latest American Express Spending & Saving Tracker.

As stores continue to chase product categories that add to the convenience of its shoppers (and to its bottom line) they start to blur. Please leave all of your preconceived notions at the "entrance" and just shop for what you need versus shopping for what you think the store carries. You'll be so surprised at check out how many of your product needs were met.  Your vision might get a little blurry; and, upon "exiting" the store you just might have to glance back to confirm exactly where you were shopping. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.


Make My Day!


Recently, I went to a conference in Boston (I live in CT); and I met a business woman that made my day. She was from Ohio! I was born and raised in Ohio; so, I immediately started talking to her about the Buckeye state. Less than a minute into the conversation, we discovered we were both born in the same hospital. Wow! How crazy is that, a chance meeting at a conference in neither of the states that we live? It brightened both of our day because it was so bizarre but comforting that we had shared this “beginning of life” experience. 

Well, based on that introduction, I’m sure you figured out that I enjoy talking to people and am certainly not shy about meeting new people. I am a big believer in face-to-face business events because you never know who you might meet; and, much like in our personal lives the best way to build strong relationships is to invest the time.   

My husband uses a standard litmus test to decide if someone is worth the “investment”.  It’s easy, if you meet someone and they start talking and talking; and the conversation ends and the other person has not once asked you one question about yourself, it’s not worth the time. 

Relationships are reciprocal - It’s about sharing information that is mutually interesting and getting to know one another through the interesting information you share.  Seems pretty obvious, right?  The person who is not asking you any questions has no intention of having a reciprocal relationship. It’s a one way street for them. You have to be able to tell the difference; so, next, move on, period.

Meeting new and interesting people always helps me to get reinvigorated about a project, brighten my day, or just my outlook on life.  But more importantly, I love to hear about what makes people I meet their own unique person…not just the work stuff; hence the Ohio conversation.  

So, after we got a good laugh that we were born in the same hospital, we started talking about why we were at the conference. Our bond was formed and it was much easier to discuss honest objectives.  We are now connected through LinkedIn and I’m sure that we both have shared that story with others by now. It’s at least a great conversation starter that I can use at my next conference. (I’m sure I can’t top that!) 

While the conversation didn’t lead to a multi-million dollar project; the encounter brought an unbridled smile and determination to my day, allowing me to network with as many people as I could at the conference; and, to be open to any bizarre moment that might come my way through a chance meeting that just might make my day!


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

Don't Forget About the Old While Chasing the New

Like many, I'm a big believer in attracting new customers that are the right profile for the brand. But, I have never believed that you invest the majority of your resources into attracting new customers. It's important to always have a two prong approach where you invest in not only maintaining but in delighting your existing customers.  In many ways, it's much easier and affordable to work hard to keep an existing customer.  

Did you know that it cost 5 times more to attract a new customer than to retain an existing customer?*  THAT is a good reason to invest marketing dollars and focus on growing a relationship with existing customers, it even cost less!  Even though they are cheaper to maintain, loyal customers are priceless!

Regardless, of the data that consistently backs up investing in current customers, there are instances where brands chase after those one-time wonders; making the deal so sweet that a "new" prospective customer can't pass it up. So, they try it and, when the deal is no longer available they drop the brand (think Groupon). 


Because the relationship started out wrong. Like any good relationship you have to be in it for the long run and invest the time. Establishing a loyal customer has to start out as a reciprocal relationship (i.e. the customer is getting something from the brand and the brand is gaining something  -  the customer).

The brand has to peak the interest of the the prospective customer and entice his/her curiosity enough for the first transaction to take place.  Once the customer tries the brand now the brand has to show that it will consistently deliver what the customer expects.

That's when the romance starts.

The brand has to literally make the customer feel a visceral emotion whether he/she is happy, safe, beautiful - you get the point. Once that happens boom the brand has a loyal customer!

But this loyal customer can't and/or shouldn't be taken for granted. The brand has to keep the interest of the customer and keep making the customer feel that same intense emotion each and every time which, even for the biggest and best brands, is a challenge. 

If the brand successfully develops a strong relationship, shows the customer that they value him/her, keeps delighting and romancing the customer to feel that desired emotion, then the brand will have a loyal customer. So, pay close attention to your existing customers. Value them.  But most importantly, don't forget about the old while you're chasing the new. Keep investing and focusing on your existing customers. It will always pay off. 

*Source: Invesp

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

The Power of Change

“The Power of Change” sounds so abstract and subjective, but when put in context it can actually be extremely powerful.  It’s powerful as a string of words, as a movement and as a tangible means to changing lives.

Recently, I was vacationing with my family in Virginia Beach, VA and there beside the boardwalk and bike path was a beet red meter.  It looked like a parking meter, but red and in such an odd place.  It wasn’t on a street or in a parking lot, it was just stationed right next to the beach.  It caught me off guard, so I took a closer look and saw that it was a message from the city of Virginia Beach to all of it's visitors.

The message encourages the Virginia Beach neighbors, friends and visitors to contribute to the “power of change”.  The City recognizes homelessness as a problem. They also seem well aware of the basic empathy that most beach goers have towards the homeless at the beach asking for help.  The message is powerful and emotional but it doesn’t leave you hanging.  The message communicates and appeals to you for an explicit action “the next time you feel compelled to give, the city and its businesses urge you to please make your contributions in this special donation meter.”  Then it continues to inform you what will be done “your contributions will be used for long term solutions to help break the cycle of homelessness.”  Wow, brilliant! 

The city of Virginia Beach developed a marketing program to fight the significant humanitarian and economic issues they face.  As a marketer, I believe in measuring the success of every program.  Now, it’s true that I don’t know how many beach visitors participated, how much money they raised, or if the program hit the City’s goal.  But I do know, from my viewpoint as a vacationer enjoying the beach, it was successfully implemented because it struck me in a powerful way! 

The red meter got me thinking.  It got me thinking about the beautiful beach and how my family and I came to enjoy it on vacation; while others were there because they had nowhere else to go; it got me thinking about how important marketing is to communicate a problem and create a solution.  But most importantly, it got me thinking how beautiful it is to be on the beach and see that “the power of change” is not just a slogan, but when put in context, it can be an extremely powerful marketing program that can change lives. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

Is a brand holding you captive?

As consumers, we buy brands for many reasons.  In many cases, brand loyalty transcends all behavioral understanding.  No one has figured out consumer brand loyalty behavior yet; if anyone tells you otherwise, don’t believe them.  Once you think you got it figured out, the customer evolves and changes the pattern.  Recently, I found myself captive by a premiere brand based on my own consumer brand loyalty behavior.   

Let me explain, there is a particular brand that I have bought for years.  I have always loved this brand.  I have come to rely on this brand more and more to help me juggle my home and professional responsibilities.  So, I’m deeply invested in this brand.  Lately, I haven’t been happy with the product’s performance.  Which, by the way, when I Google the problems, they are always well documented by other users, signaling to me that these are common occurrences!   

I mean, let me clarify, at one point I really wanted the brand.  It represented to me the good life.  After almost two decades and many products later (not to mention, a small fortune invested), I started re-evaluating the brand.  It has let me down at key points in my life. Yet, I have been devoted to it for years. Why?  Because I got caught up in the hype. The brand made an emotional connection with me and made me feel good. Well, after years of devotion, being disappointed and told by a genius that nothing is wrong with the device; I now feel like a brand captive.

I have the freedom to make choices, right?  Well, I considered “switching” but it was amazing how reluctant I was to complete the transaction.  I did all of the research.  It even appeared that other brands had caught up and/or are out-performing my brand.  Still, I felt like I couldn’t abandon this brand because I had too much invested. So, I did the next best thing.  I started complaining about this brand to anyone who would listen. And, low and behold others were feeling the same!  As much as misery loves company, it’s also disheartening.  

Where is our courage to dump this brand and adopt another? 

Are the stakes too high or are we just way too complacent to make a change?

Better yet, maybe we care just a little too much about what we imagine that others will think of us? 

So, remember not every loyal consumer stems from a strong allegiance some of us our held captive by the brand.


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

Spying on Your Brand Promise

It has always bothered me that companies feel as though the boss needs to go under cover to discover if their employees are delivering on the brand promise.  This approach seems like the "boss" is operating from a point of distrust and he/she is already signaling to the employees that there is a gap in what should be happening versus what is actually happening within the operations. 

On the flip side, it bothers me that employees generally feel inhibited and helpless that they can't be honest with the company and share where cracks are beginning in the brand image and ideas that might make the brand that much better.

Fast forward to reality.

I believe that there is a much simpler way to determine if your employees are doing what they should be doing. First off, do the hard homework by getting to know your employees. Yes, have conversations (as in plural) with your folks who are on the front lines representing your brand name. 

It is important that your employees understand what exactly you expect of them.  There should be no assumptions or guessing games, rather:

  • Established guidelines and policies; so, employees understand the value and culture of your company; and, the standard for acceptable behavior
  • Make sure there are ongoing training programs that are consistent to ensure that your employees are operating at your defined level of excellence. 
  • Set up performance evaluations that are equitable and help employees understand how their contributions are evaluated; and, more importantly how they can succeed. 

And yes, if you spot high-performing employees who have potential, invest in them so they feel valued; get them engaged and together map out a career plan.

Both you and your employee need to invest in a reciprocal relationship.  By getting to know your employees, what uniquely motivates them and what their life achievements/goals are it will enable you to help your employees deliver the best possible experience to your customers.

Operate from a point of trust and support.  When you see a gap or a crack happening in delivering on your brand promise - intervene,  evaluate, and help that employee. Sometimes you can't and I trust that you'll know when that relationship needs to be terminated. But for the most part, you're dealing with people that want to contribute and give you their best. 

So, when you're wondering what's really going on or your gut is telling you there is something wrong here - resist the urge to find out by going undercover and face the issue openly and honestly - you'll be surprised what you'll discover.


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

Who's your BBF (Best Brand Friend)?

I met a friend recently at Starbucks for a quick 30-minute reprieve before our day got too busy and vanished before our eyes. As mothers and entrepreneurs, we had already decided via text that our coffee together could only be 30-minutes maximum. We both had subsequent appointments/responsibilities. I arrived little early, so I texted my friend to ask what she might want since I was already in line (I should mention that we both have the Starbucks app on our phones). For whatever reason, we didn't connect; I got my order and found a table. 

My friend showed up and got in a very long line.  I started thinking about the Starbuck Experience. For me, it really begins before I arrive at the store.  I start thinking about what I want and really imagine it. I think about how that coffee product will positively enhance my mood/day/moment. Part of that experience is ordering in line. My friend and I had the option to pre-order using the app and just pick up, but neither of us used it. Even though we knew standing in line would eat up some our limited time together.

I was happy waiting for my friend to join me.  I waded in my thoughts about why I enjoy sipping my coffee in a white paper cup that has the green Starbucks emblem. I wondered, "Why wasn't I impatient, anxious or in a rush knowing that the 30 minutes were ticking down?" That is when I realized, I'm already enjoying valuable time with one of my BBF's (Best Brand Friends) and her name is Starbucks.


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

What brand can you count on?

When I got married my husband asked me point blank "Why do you carry an American Express Gold card?  It's not worth the high annual fee." 

The simple answer:  American Express has always had my back. I know that I can count on them.

I can count on them when I'm traveling internationally and need help, or when a purchase has gone wrong and the establishment is difficult; and, not to mention the special offers.  

But my husband "rolled his eyes" and made it clear that he couldn't understand why I wouldn't give up my AMEX card. Friends and family members had told me war stories of "Wait until you get married...there are going to be friends that your husband doesn't like and you'll leave them behind. But, there will be some that you just won't give up." Well, my American Express card was one of those friends I wasn't willing to give up because I knew that it had my back!

Now, we are celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary and my husband through the years has witnessed first-hand the benefits of carrying an AMEX card. The perks with our travel, special offers that we value just because we're members and yes, the ease of disputing a refund. 

Since then, I have upgraded my AMEX card; and my husband teases me about the annual fee, primarily because he is perfectly happy carrying his Gold AMEX. He knows that he can count on it and he just can't give it up even if it's for an upgrade. 

I would love to hear about the brands you can count on and that you just wouldn't give up. You can email me at sonya@jarvisconsultants.com.


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

The Buck Stops Here!

A good leader always wants to empower team members to honestly voice their ideas, suggestions and opinions.  It takes a host of different departments to implement any successful business initiative.  Each area needs to be proficient in their core competency (i.e. finance, merchandising, human resources, marketing, etc).  There are so many cross-functional activities that need to be performed well by different departments to yield the best results.

It happens in both small-to-big businesses especially when the company is stretching out of its comfort zone to reach for aggressive goals or a new vision -- inevitably the lines of responsibilities can get blurred. I believe that this happens through sheer interest and the desire to contribute but team members begin influencing decisions that are outside of their core competency. Honestly, it's fun to be engaged and know that our opinion counts.  But we always need to pause and check ourselves because it's important that team members express their opinions based on their expertise. It becomes dangerous when the advice is not grounded in our discipline or knowledge of our customer base. The scales then begin to become unbalanced; and, now there are influencers weighing in that just might tip it to make the final decision. 

When this type of decision-making starts to happen accountability begins to erode and a group consensus emerges. It's always good to have group buy-in because it makes the execution process that much smoother. But, ultimately there always needs to be a singular person (the leader) who is responsible for the final decision. Otherwise, there is no accountability.  

And, we all know that accountability is important in each and every business. Not for the "gotcha" moment but the business that runs best is based on established objectives, goals and measurements and will fundamentally always achieve higher results. 

Good leaders navigate through challenges by recognizing the situation and always know that the buck stops with them and steps up to own the accountability. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.

My First Brand Love

Have you ever fallen head over heels with a brand?  Where regardless of whatever happened you would remember when it sealed your love forever. I have three brands that I feel that way about. But I always remember my first brand love as the best.

The love affair began in the summer of 1996 when my father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I was living and working in New York City at the time and my parents lived in North Carolina. Being far away but wanting to stay connected meant frequent long distance phone calls to, not only my parents, but various siblings (I'm one of six children), aunts (my Dad had 10 sisters), and numerous other relatives.

Well in those times it wasn't a bundle deal; so, you can imagine the phone bills I racked up. My father died in the middle of the fall season. As I grieved the loss of my father, I was faced with a mountain of phone bills. I was fearless because, after all, I had just lost my Dad who was my best friend. So, I decided to call AT&T and explain the situation (because I couldn't afford to pay the bills or be without a phone). At most, I was hoping to work out a payment plan. The customer service person listened to my story of why I couldn't pay my bill in full; and that I was hoping for a payment plan. She looked at my account history and the four-month period where there was a huge spike of usage. Then something odd happened. I heard a genuine apology in her voice for my loss. She explained to me that she looked at the history to determine my average monthly charges and applied it to the four-month period and that's what I would need to pay. They reduced my bill down to my regular monthly usage!  Really?  With another genuine "Please accept AT&T's sympathy for the loss of your father." Just like that I cried and fell in love with my first brand. 

I felt that they cared about me and they empathized with me; and they were showing it by offering an immediate solution to my problem. It affected me so much that now, almost twenty years later, I can still recall the customer service experience that made me fall head over heels in love with my first brand. 


Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in  Fairfield County Connecticut.