When was the last time you thought about devoting “kindness” time to your clients? 

Sunday, November 13th was World Kindness Day; and, my daughter’s school used it to kick off all kinds of “kind” activities.  Monday began an Appreciation Week.  Their week included faculty and staff, students and parents; all of the different segments of people who contribute to a vibrant and caring community.  I can’t begin to mention all of the activities that went on this week but I will share a few to give you a glimpse of the types of kindness activities that can be done that go above and beyond.

The school set aside two days to appreciate teachers with a breakfast on Tuesday and a lunch on Thursday.  There was also student appreciate day that gave the kids the opportunity to dress down and play games with prizes for winners.  On Thursday morning, students met parents at the cars and handed them coffee, bagels and a granola bar to show their appreciation.  And, finally on Friday the students will go out to more than 40 organizations in the greater Fairfield County area and volunteer their services for whatever the organization needs.

When was the last time you thought about devoting “kindness” time to your clients? 

I’m not talking about a moment or a thought.  What about an entire week or certain days throughout the year exclusively set aside to show your clients that they are appreciated?  What does that look like, right?  Your clients know they are appreciated because you tell them on your monthly invoice.  Well, I’m suggesting put some thought in it; a strategy behind it and plan kindness activities that they will appreciate.

Here’s a list of ways you can let you client know that they are appreciated with some pretty simple kind actions.

  • Hand write a “you are appreciated” card.  (No texting, send it snail mail or hand deliver it).

  • Send them over breakfast, lunch, chocolates or whatever they like. (Better yet if they are local drop it off).

  • Call them and let them you know that they are appreciated and be specific. (Tell them why they are appreciated that way it’s authentic).

  • Make a donation to your favorite charity in their name.  (Giving Tuesday is coming up!).

Show that you appreciate your customers.  Don’t just do it once a year at Holiday Season but think about it through-out the year, the things that you can do or say to let them know that they are appreciated.

Kindness is easy.  It takes a little time but it doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot of money.  Take the time to show how much you appreciate your clients and others in your life too. 

I appreciate you because you take the time to read Sonya’s Blog!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Sonya Ruff Jarvis is an entrepreneur and Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants LLC. Sonya is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail; Marketing; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years. Interested in Sonya’s books?  They can be found on Amazon or get an author autographed copy at www.jarvisconsultants.com.

Let’s talk about your next project and how Jarvis Consultants can support your initiatives; email sonya@jarvisconsultants.com.