Reflections of God’s Grace: My Personal Encounter with Breast Cancer – Journal Entry August 14, 2000

As we recognize this month as Breast Cancer Awareness month and everything is pinked-out, I will continue to share entries from a diary that I journaled in for the year of 2000.  I was diagnosed in January 2000 and didn’t finish the entire treatment protocol until December 2000.  It was a tough twelve months both mentally and physically.  Once done, I celebrated with ten days at a Spa in Miami.

Here is an entry from my journal on August 14, 2000.

“I’m forever grateful for God’s love.  HE has been truly awesome in growing my relationship with Christ and with HIM.  I have so many “real life” testimonials.  HE doesn’t have to prove or show me anything; yet, HE is constantly reminding me that HE is carrying me and that HE’ll continue to protect me.  I have so many praises to give HIM; yet, I feel that I still don’t make time to give HIM all the honor, praise and glory!

When I worried that my lymph nodes might be positive; HE answered my prayers (and many others) and they were negative.

When I worried that I was so young to be diagnosed HE put people in the chemo treatment room that had been living with cancer for over 25 years!

When I worried about the future.  HE said trust in me, I have plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  HE is with me with every breath.  And, I can only praise HIM by saying how good HE is –

HE’s good all the time.  I’m so thankful that I can embrace HIS goodness and accept the strength, the confidence and the love that comes from HIM.

God is doing great things in my life.  Growing into a deeper relationship with Christ because of this will somehow lead me to God’s purpose for my life; so that I can truly glorify HIM in all that I do.

He gives me energy when I need it; HE gives me a clear mind when I need it, because HE knows what my needs are.  I continuously give thanks to HIM for all HE has been, is and will be to me.

Reoccurrence of this disease is not an option.  Because I believe that God has healed my body and I only need to continue to claim that and “move forward” towards HIS will and purpose for my life.  I only hope I can hear this direction and then act on it.

HE has been good –

HE has been faithful to all generations!”            

For all of you receiving a breast cancer diagnosis; and, those of you going through treatment, I see you and I have been there too.  Stay strong, focus on you and you will move forward!

Interested in hearing about my journey?  Here are additional posts:

Healthy and Blindsided…

I was running for me…

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey:  Post III

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey: Post II

October is breast cancer awareness month: My Breast Cancer Journey Post I

Sonya Ruff Jarvis is an entrepreneur and Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants LLC. Sonya is a Business & Marketing Consultant; Content Creator & Connection-Maker; Thought Leader & Industry Expert and Book Author & Entrepreneur. Areas of expertise include: Retail; Marketing; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI); and Human Resources. Sonya has been a part of the B2B retail industry for more than 30 years. Interested in Sonya’s books?  They can be found on Amazon. Please feel free to contact her at to talk about your next project and how Jarvis Consultants can support your initiatives.