Jarvis Consultants

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5 Reasons: Why Big Isn't Always Better…

My nephew is a senior in high school (that’s him #44) and happens to be a darn good football player. He has a number of colleges scouting his talent to play at their school. While it might appear to him that the Division I schools are the best because of their sheer size and their investments in their sports program; he was encouraged (by his parents) to look at smaller Division III schools because they might better fit his needs.   

Why do we always think bigger is best?  In some cases that is true but not in all instances; and, we need to evaluate each situation on its own merit taking into account our needs and goals.

Recently I pitched a speaking role to a company. Based on all conversations they liked what was being presented — the topic, the target, the end goal EXCEPT the audience wasn’t big enough.  

They like to go BIG… 

Believe me, I get that but not when all the other marks have been hit.  So, whether it is a decision to attend a school, speak at an event or to accept a position at a company, consider that the biggest choice isn’t always the best decision. 

Here’s my 5 Reasons Why Big Isn’t Always Best…

 1.      Quality versus Quantity:  Small counts as quality.  Quality is intentional, takes effort and has a distinct intelligent purpose; Quantity is all about numbers.

 “Quality is more important than quantity.  One home run is much better than two doubles.”   Steve Jobs

2.      Focus versus Distractions:  Focus counts as attention.  Focus is directing time and attention to a smaller number of issues.  Distractions is all about disruption.

 “My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.”  Bill Gates

 3.      Unique versus Individual:  Unique counts as not comparable.  Unique is un-parallel, un-matched and un-equal.  Individual is all about making up a group.

 “Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.”   Deepak Chopra

 4.      Meaningful versus Shallow:  Meaningful counts as significant.  Meaningful is genuine, relevant and important.  Shallow is superficial.

 “A meaningful silence is always better than a meaningless word.”  Anonymous 

5.  Follow-up versus Fall-thru:  Follow Up counts as results-oriented.  Follow Up is the ability to do what you said you were going to do.  Fall-thru is nothing. 

"To build a long-term, successful enterprise, when you don't close a sale, open a relationship." – Patricia Fripp

Being in an environment with a small group considered a quality target gives us the opportunity to focus on the issue at hand.  It gives us the chance to learn about the uniqueness of that person. It allows us to have meaningful conversations in a way that instills passion. When all of these forces come together follow-up is easy because we know exactly who we are talking to and the points to be made. 

 So, when considering whether to join, attend or accept please look at other parameters in addition to size. Because big isn’t automatically always the best. 

Sonya Ruff Jarvis, is the Managing Member of Jarvis Consultants and Founder of the eRetailer Summit. Sonya has extensive experience in creating original innovative solutions to overcome major business challenges.  Sonya has spent most of her career visiting headquarters across global industries and has built strong business relationships across diverse brands. 

Sonya has a M.B.A. in Marketing. She is married and has a daughter and they live in Fairfield County Connecticut.  

Follow Sonya on twitter at @jarvisconsult or @eretailersummit.  

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